Shit Yeah!
The princess needs to get her act together!
Shit Yeah!
The princess needs to get her act together!
Love the hobo
Great character. Can't wait to see him in action.
Nasty Balls
Man! That guy seemed so nice. You never know.
Love It!
Shit list wasn't an option was it?
Pretty Good.
The pace of the story was a little slow. I didn't like the bouncing sounds for the title. Most of the shots could be much shorter, like the polar bear waiting. It takes less than a second for the audience to get the point. Also the snow ball rolling shots could be shorter. My opinion would be re-cut this so that the pace is much faster.
Nice Work.
Nice Job
The blue guy has some good lines. Would rather hear them than read them.
I like your style
Looks like you love it or hate. I think it's great. Very random yet routine. Nice job by the cast.
Great Concept
Sandwich shop Ninja and Cornbread Samurai should do lunch sometime. Love the quick sandwich making cuts. A few of the shots were too long, but love the ending.
Great job!
It's weird in a good way. Some sound effects would have helped.
We are Hank and Jed Movie Pictures!
Movie Production
Wilmington, NC
Joined on 11/25/08